Code of EthicsPT. Bhumi Arthaprima Cemerlang (a provider of services including trading, project management, engineering, manufacturing, installation supervision, contaminant troubleshooting and start-up) acknowledges as a leader in our field, that we have to set the very highest stand-ards for the quality of the services we provide and the professional and ethical way we run our business. Our reputation and future suc-cess depends on it.
The behaviour and actions of every-one of us, every-day and everywhere we operate can impact this. Every individual employee in PT. Bhumi Arthaprima Cemerlang shares a responsibility to uphold these standards and to conduct our business in a professional, safe, ethi-cal and responsible manner. This is without exception and without compromise. |
To help every employee understand their role in protecting and building our reputation we have developed the PT. Bhumi Arthaprima Cemerlang Code of Ethics. This Code of Ethics sets out the clear standards of behaviour that we expect all of our people to demonstrate in dealing with colleagues and those outside the company such as customers, clients, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders. The Code of Ethics has been developed with input from a multitude of resources. The principles set out in this Code of Ethics are implicit in our values.
We have a range of resources available to help people understand how these principles work in practice, access to support if they are unsure of how they apply to specific situations, and channels to raise issues where they feel they are being breached. The Code of Ethics underpins our social, ethical and environmental commitments and sends a powerful message to all our stakeholders of PT. Bhumi Arthaprima Cemerlang’s commitment to responsible business practice. The Code of Ethics should not be seen as simply a set of words in a document; they are the principles that guide the way we should think, act and behave, and should be in evidence in our everyday working. They are vital in building and protecting our reputation and to ensur-ing that PT. Bhumi Arthaprima Cemerlang continues to be a company that people feel proud to work for, and confident to buy from and invest in. |